Incurred Cost Proposal DC

Incurred Cost Proposal in Washington, DC

Federal Pricing Group has the expertise to help you prepare timely, accurate, and complete Incurred Cost Proposals that will meet the adequacy requirements of your cognizant audit agency in Washington, DC. We guide small, growing government contractors through the Incurred Cost Proposal process. If you are unsure of where you stand with your Incurred Cost Proposal process, or if you are aware of what needs to be done but simply lack the resources, contact Federal Pricing Group today.

The Incurred Cost Proposal calculates and documents a firm’s actual direct and indirect costs and ultimately compares the contractor’s “billed” costs versus “claimed” costs on cost reimbursable type contracts or contract line items. Unlike the commercial world, federal contractors are not necessarily entitled to keep all the funds invoiced on cost reimbursable type federal contracts. The Government may be entitled to recoup some of their payments to the contractor for costs invoiced in excess of actual costs incurred. Conversely, the contractor may be entitled to recoup additional payment from the Government when actual costs incurred exceed the invoiced cost.

Contact Federal Pricing Group to learn how you can expedite your required Incurred Cost Proposal activities in Washington, DC.

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