Federal Pricing Group gives you expert pricing strategy and guidance uniquely tailored to your capture plan. We provide data-driven approaches to pricing strategy in a number of areas. Learn more about pricing strategy in NCR.
Pricing Consulting
Our pricing consultants bring the expertise needed to integrate with client’s capture teams to manage the creation of the Pricing Model and Cost Volume. We add additional resources and leverage our experience to provide unbiased perspective on the pricing approach. Learn more about pricing consulting in NCR.
Pricing Proposals
Federal Pricing Group provides expert-level Proposal Pricing and Cost Volume Management services to new and seasoned Federal contractors to enable profitable growth. Learn more about pricing proposals in NCR.
Proposal Cost
Proposal Cost: Proposal budgets, staffing, and schedules will all factor in the cost of complying with the solicitation. Regarding cost proposals, the best approach to ensure compliance is to utilize a Cost Compliance Matrix to shape the structure and content of the cost proposal. Many companies will build a compliance matrix for their technical, management, and past performance volumes, but will often not construct a matrix specifically for the cost volume. Learn more about proposal cost in NCR.
Cost Analysis
Federal Pricing Group helps Federal Contracting Officers meet their FAR obligations for Cost Analysis and Cost Realism. Our diverse background and adaptability to varying Contracting Officer evaluation techniques enables delivery of comprehensive and on-time analysis products. Learn more about cost analysis in NCR.
Cost Reimbursable Expertise
Let's face it, doing Cost Reimbursable business with the Federal Government is not for the faint of heart! The Federal Acquisition Regulation, as well as Cost Accounting Standards and various DCAA publications, contain numerous requirements for Contractors holding flexibly-priced contracts. It can quickly overwhelm Contractor staff. Federal Pricing Group can help! Learn more about cost reimbursable expertise in NCR.
Cost Price Analysis
Federal Pricing Group helps Federal Contracting Officers meet their FAR obligations for Cost Analysis and Cost Realism. Our diverse background and adaptability to varying Contracting Officer evaluation techniques enables delivery of comprehensive and on-time analysis products. Learn more about cost price analysis in NCR.
Cost Volume Management
Federal Pricing Group provides expert-level Proposal Pricing and Cost Volume Management services to new and seasoned Federal contractors to enable profitable growth. A well-structured, compliant and compelling Cost Volume will set you apart from your competitors. Since Federal Pricing Group staff also operate on the Government side evaluating Cost Volumes, we know what it takes to set your Cost Volume ahead of the pack. Learn more about cost volume management in NCR.
Indirect Costs Expertise
Federal Pricing Group’s indirect cost experts can help you understand which costs to designate as indirect. We help identify what indirect costs you have and how they benefit multiple contracts. Learn more about indirect cost expertise in NCR.
Indirect Rates Evaluation
Federal Pricing Group has the expertise to help you prepare timely, accurate, and complete Incurred Cost Proposals that will meet the adequacy requirements of your cognizant audit agency. Learn more about indirect rates evaluation in NCR.
Subcontractor Price Analysis
More and more, Federal Contracting Officers are relying on Prime Contractors to conduct and document adequate Subcontractor Cost and Price Analysis. Federal Pricing Group can help you coordinate and evaluate subcontractor pricing and turn a typical area of weakness into your greatest strength. Learn more about subcontractor price analysis in NCR.