Blog Post

Three resolutions to to strengthen your competitive pricing posture

  • By Mike Gallo
  • 28 Jan, 2021

As federal contractors look forward to a fresh start in the new year, here are three resolutions to to strengthen your competitive pricing posture.

We will develop, maintain, prune, and communicate the Company’s opportunity pipeline to all stakeholders

An opportunity pipeline is not a candidate list of final RFPs that dropped last week. It is a well-organized and longer-term list of opportunities that is continually evaluated and vetted to help the company plan, organize, and fund business capture and proposal development. A well-maintained federal contracts opportunity pipeline improves competitive pricing by:

  • Giving more lead time for open market competitive pricing research and to analysis of documents received from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. These analyses feed your price to win analyses and improves your understanding of the competitive pricing landscape.
  • Providing an opportunity to conduct top-level pricing. These early pricing iterations helps identify and facilitate timely no-bid decisions, so B&P funds are not wasted on losing prospects.
  • Helping identify common pricing requirements among the opportunities and build reusable pricing artifacts, so B&P funds are spent more efficiently.
  • Serving as an early warning radar that identifies highly desired opportunities that are too big and too complex to pursue without additional pricing resources and expertise. The sooner you can plan, budget, and reserve additional pricing resources and expertise, the better positioned you will be.

We will engage pricing earlier in the capture process

Oftentimes, federal contractors do not engage their pricing resources (or pricing consultants) until AFTER the final RFP drops. This is unfortunate because it takes a lot of pricing strategy homework to fully understand the contract’s requirements and then craft a clear and convincing value proposition that is price competitive. This pricing strategy homework includes:

  • Early solutioning and top-level pricing iterations to understand benefits/features and pricing tradeoffs.
  • Seeking responsive pricing inputs from teammates to make better outsourcing/in-sourcing decisions.
  • Assessing your competitive pricing position and performing price to win analysis.
  • Identifying and preparing key pricing strategies to deploy as needed.

The best time to engage pricing resources (including pricing consultants) and begin this pricing strategy homework is before the draft RFP is released. This is especially true for re-competitions of existing incumbent contracts due to expire in the next 12-24 months. Engaging pricing resources earlier in the capture life cycle gives everyone ample time to fully understand the opportunity and its pricing implications. Also, by starting earlier, companies can judiciously leverage the use of consultants to address specific gaps in their pricing resources and expertise.

We will adequately budget and plan our proposal development and pricing resources

According to the Deltek|Clarity Government Contracting Industry Study, large firms have a higher median win-rate than smaller firms. I believe that one of the reasons for larger business’s win-rate success can be attributed to their discipline to budget dedicated business capture and proposal development resources, including pricing. Smaller firms are less disciplined. By failing to adequately plan and budget dedicated employees or outside consultants for capture, proposal development and pricing, smaller firms are over-reliant on 1) mad hatter owners who shun delegation and 2) the ‘sweat equity’ (i.e., unpaid overtime) of their staff. Consequently:

  • Key technical staff are being spread too thin between client work and proposal solutioning/writing.
  • Finance staff are juggling their time building error-free pricing models and writing compliant cost volumes while tackling their other day-to-day operational responsibilities.
  • Owners and founders are fostering chaos from their continued dabbling in proposal management instead of delegating a dedicated resource.

It should come as no surprise that firms with overextended staff end up with half-baked and overpriced solutions. These losing proposals are money wasters and staff de-moralizers. Adequate proposal budgets do not have to mean larger budgets if companies resolve to adopting Resolutions #1 and #2. By prioritizing and planning higher probably of win opportunities (and culling the rest), companies can concentrate on fewer, better funded proposals to achieve their sales and growth targets.

 Make it a new year’s resolution to contact Federal Pricing Group and get the pricing help and expertise you need on your upcoming key federal contract opportunities.

About the author: Mike Gallo is Partner and Principal Consultant at Federal Pricing Group, a consulting firm focused on providing federal contracts pricing analysis and pricing volume support to small and mid-sized federal government contractors and cost-related acquisition support services to federal agencies. Learn more at

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After months of wondering what happened to your proposal submission, the Government has responded with pages of pricing questions. Now what? Here’s three tips to help you answer pricing questions.

Common Issues

 Generally, cost and pricing questions fall into four broad issue areas:

  • Omission  The Government believes something is missing from your price proposal. It could be something as simple as a sub-total calculation error or something more serious such as unpriced tasks that are identified in your technical volume, but not included in your price.
  • Necessity  The Government believes something priced into the proposal is not relevant or ‘in-scope’. Sometimes a lack of a clear explanation of how costs were derived and or calculated can also lead the Government to question certain costs. Lump sum costs, without underlying details and explanation, are a great example of this.
  • Consistency  The Government believes something in your pricing doesn’t align with your technical volume. This can occur when last minute pricing drills shave costs (such as staff hours), but the change is not reflected in the technical volume (or vice versa).
  • Reasonableness/Realism  If the Government says a particular cost appears ‘unreasonable’, they’re saying they think it’s too high. Conversely, if the Government says a particular cost appears 'unrealistic', they’re concerned it's too low.

Three Helpful Tips

How should companies respond to these questions?

1.     Don't fight the Fed.

Even if you disagree with the evaluator's question, keep in mind there’s something unclear in your proposal that created ambiguity and doubt in the evaluator’s mind. Don’t take it personally. Avoid argumentative language in your responses that just serves to aggravate the evaluators and doesn’t help you to address the issues raised. The fact that the Government may think a proposed cost might be too high (or too low) doesn’t necessarily mean you should revise your price. Often the Government uses terms such as ‘Justify’, ‘Substantiate’, ‘Clarify’, ‘Explain’, etc. to describe their need for additional information.

2.    Fortify answers with facts and data, not more unsubstantiated assertions.

The four main issues: Omission, Necessity, Consistency, and Reasonableness/Realism almost always boil down to a lack of adequate documentation and substantiation as a root cause. Provide corroborating evidence to justify unit costs and rates. Clearly explain how costs were derived and/or calculated.

3.     Make it Easy for the Evaluator.

If you elect to revise your pricing, clearly track those changes in your pricing model. This is especially important when there are numerous and significant changes to price. The Government needs to understand how and why your price changed. Highlight cost elements that were added to your proposal. Identify unit cost and rates that were revised. Flag items that were removed from your revised proposal. Also ensure to provide a brief narrative summarizing what has changed in your revised proposal pricing.


Breathe a little sigh of relief. Your firm has progressed through 1st cut. While your firm hasn’t won the contract (yet), the Government believes your proposal has enough merit and deems it worthy enough for additional consideration.

Remember, the Government is evaluating MANY proposals in addition to your proposal. Contracting officers want to progress to contract award, now ! Help them by clearly, accurately, comprehensively responding to evaluator pricing questions. Give the evaluators the missing pricing facts and data they need so they can demonstrate they evaluated your winning proposal objectively, fairly, and consistently.

About the author:  Mike Gallo is Partner and Principal Consultant at Federal Pricing Group, a consulting firm focused on providing expert contracts pricing to small and mid-sized federal government contractors and cost-related acquisition support services to federal agencies. Learn more at

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